FleetCon 2022
September 19-21, 2022
Rio All-Suite Hotel & Casino
Las Vegas, Nevada
Our 2022 Sponsors

Preconference Tour*
Cashman Equipment
Monday, September 19, 2022
12:15 pm - 3:30 pm
The tour will include: the main office, the shop, parts warehouse ($90 Million in inventory) and outside equipment storage. As an added bonus, Cashman is located on top a GEO thermal energy source, which they utilize to fuel the buildings. This is a large multiple building campus. Transportation to Cashman will be provided and leave the RIO at 12:15 pm and return at 3:30 pm.
Click here for more information about Cashman Equipment.
*Pre-registration is required
Cost: $25

Reception Sponsored by:

Opening Reception
VooDoo Lounge at the Rio
Monday, September 19, 2022
6:30 pm
Join us for the Welcome Reception to kick-off the conference.
Enjoy appetizers with flair and cash bar at the top of the Rio in the Voodoo Lounge, all while taking in the views of Las Vegas.
Mingle and greet old acquaintances and find new colleagues and friends!
*Pre-registration is required

Reception & Awards sponsored by:

Awards Ceremony & Cocktail Reception
Rio Pavilion 1-7
Tuesday, September 20, 2022
5:00 pm
Join us as we announce the following FleetPros award winners:
Outstanding Associate of the Year
Outstanding Fleet Member of the Year
Fleet Professional of the Year
We will also saluate those individuals who earned the CAFM and CAFS certifications, along with thanking our generous sponsors and hard-working FleetCon committee, National Board and Chapter Board members. Appetizers and cocktails will be served.
Your evening will be free to explore the city!

Closing Reception
Rio @ the Pool Deck
Wednesday, September 21, 2022
3:30 pm
Join us as we wrap the conference with a closing reception filled with FUN! Reflect on the education sessions, technology presentations and best practice discussions, along with an exceptional Expo show. Enjoy the late afternoon cabanas - creating new connections and cementing current relationships. Bring your sunscreen, sunglasses and flips flps as we will be hanging out by the pool! Included will be:
*Pre-registration is required |
FleetCon is committed to keeping our conference as green as possible. We make an effort to provide all information electronically. We hope to limit use of excessive paper by offering electronic conference materials such as the conference schedule, speaker information, accommodation and travel information, and more. Please consider accessing information electronically before printing. We appreciate your efforts towards keeping the conference green as well!