About FleetPros

About Us

FleetPros is a non-profit industry association which strives to support fleet professionals through education, networking, and resources. FleetPros members have the opportunity to meet frequently with other fleet management professionals to exchange ideas and find solutions to common problems. The association also enjoys strong support from our associate (supplier) members. These valued associates keep FleetPros fleet members informed about the latest innovations and product developments. In return, suppliers are provided a positive environment to introduce their products and services and meet prospective clients.

FleetPros was organized in 1976 by a group of fleet management professionals seeking to share their experiences and solve common problems. It has since grown to become one of the most progressive and innovative organizations of its kind. The Association currently has five chapters (Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, Texas, and Utah) which include most of the surrounding states and represent approximately 1100 fleet professionals and suppliers.

FleetPros chapters conduct local meetings quarterly with professional speakers, panel, and round table discussions on a wide variety of topics. Annually, FleetPros conducts a conference (FleetCon) for fleet professionals, which includes management and technical training sessions and an equipment exposition.


Our purpose is to achieve better utilization and potential in fleet management in the business, industry, and government sectors. FleetPros promotes open exchanges of information on experiences, ideas, and methods. Our members provide leadership and knowledge in the field of vehicle and equipment maintenance and management in order to assist fleet professionals in developing and maintaining techniques and practices in their operations.

FleetPros actively works to ensure that appropriate educational programs are available to fleet professionals for their on-going professional growth and development. We provide these opportunities at both the Chapter and Association levels through quarterly chapter meetings and our annual conference, FleetCon.

Looking for a Local Chapter In Your Area?

CLICK HERE to obtain contact information for your nearest local FleetPros Chapter.  Information on how to join that chapter can be found on their local web page.


About Us





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©2022 FleetPros
Copyright FleetPros - All Rights Reserved

1281 E Magnolia Street
Unit D #209
Fort Collins, CO 80524
Phone: (800) 667-6362
Email:  business.manager@fleetpros.org
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