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News and Events General 2024 Fleet Award...
2024 Fleet Award Nominations Now Open
We are excited to announce that the nominations for this year's FleetPros awards are now open! This is your chance to recognize outstanding individuals and organizations who have made a significant impact in their field.  

The categories for this year's awards include Fleet Member, Fleet Professional and Fleet Vendor. We encourage you to carefully consider each category and submit nominations for those who have demonstrated excellence and achievement in their respective areas.

To nominate someone for an award, please click on the links below and complete the online nomination form(s). The nomination period will close on June 1, 2024, so be sure to submit your nominations before the deadline.

After the nomination period has ended, the finalists will be presented to the members of the National Board. At this point, the final round of voting will begin, and we will announce the winners at the Awards Reception, hosted by Sourcewell, on Tuesday, September 17, 2024.

We look forward to receiving your nominations and celebrating the achievements of our winners at this year's FleetCon 2024 in Galveston, Texas!

FleetPros Professional of the Year
Nominations Open:  April 1, 2024
Nominations Close:  June 1, 2024

​This award is granted to a Fleet Professional whose organization belongs to FleetPros and has brought about a significant advance in the management OR operation of the fleet. Such achievements may be productivity, quality, service, innovation, community service, and/or employee development. It can be in the areas of new methods, tools, record keeping, O&M, equipment, facilities or procedures. THE NOMINEE DOES NOT HAVE TO BE IN MANAGEMENT. 

Recipients of the award will be announced and recognized at the Awards Ceremony at FleetCon each year. In addition to the recognition, the winners FleetPros Chapter will also receive a grant for training in the amount of $1500.

2023 Recipient:  Erik Metzger, City of Conroe,Texas Chapter

FleetPros Member of the Year

Nominations Open: April 1, 2024
Nominations Close: June 1, 2024

This award is granted to ONE REGULAR MEMBER of FleetPros who has contributed time and effort in the promotion and operation of the Association. Such distinguished contributions should consist of serving on special committees, doing research, writing reports, obtaining new members, assisting with meetings, community service, serving as officers and promoting the goals and objectives of the Association. 

Recipients of the award will be announced and recognized at the Awards Ceremony at Fleetcon each year. In addition to the recognition, winners will also receive:
  1. FleetCon attendee package to the following year's conference up to $1000 OR
  2. A grant for training in the amount of $1000 to the winner's FleetPros Chapter
2023 Recipient: 
Angela Daugherty, City of College Station, Texas Chapter

FleetPros Vendor of the Year
Nominations Open:  April 1, 2024
Nominations Close:  June 1, 2024

This award is granted to ONE ASSOCIATE MEMBER of FleetPros who has contributed time and effort in the promotion and operation of the Association. Such distinguished contributions should consist of serving on special committees, doing research, writing reports, obtaining new members, assisting with meetings, community service, serving as officers and promoting the goals and objectives of the Association. 

Recipients of the award will be announced and recognized at the Awards Ceremony at FleetCon each year. In addition to the recognition, winners will also receive:
  1. A complimentary booth at FleetCon the following year (or the next year that FleetCon is hosted in the their home Chapter) OR
  2. Value of the 10x10 booth applied to a larger booth of their choice OR
  3. Value of the 10x10 booth applied to any sponsorship
2023 Recipient:  Bailey Bible, Industrial Power LLC, Texas Chapter

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Fort Collins, CO 80524
Phone: (800) 667-6362
Email:  business.manager@fleetpros.org
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